Safety devices for the specially-abled?
A disability implies that a person’s physical or mental condition affects their life in a major way. While the disability restricts them in certain aspects of their life, the specially abled should still have the right to care, service, protection, and most importantly equal opportunities.
In most cases in India, people with disabilities, are restricted to their houses by their families or caregivers due to the fear for their safety. They prefer to lock them up in their houses, then letting them go out on their own, due to the unpredictable nature of the person and their assisting devices. Most public spaces in India are still not accessible to the specially abled, although the reforms and awareness have been increasing in the past decade. As more and more job opportunities is being provided to specially abled people, they are coming out of their homes for jobs in large number. In order to protect oneself from rising crime rate it becomes essential to some extra precautionary measures to overcome threats.
It is hard for caregivers to be free of any fear or any inhibitions as it is not possible to keep the specially abled person under constant supervision. It is hence helpful to invest in devices such as GPS trackers and safety alarms, to ensure safety and peace of mind. GPS trackers can be one of the most useful equipment for the safety of the specially abled. It helps in keeping track of the person’s whereabouts. But the trackers nowadays do more than just location sharing, they have many added features that can improve safety.
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