Women safety in India. Is it an illusion ?

Xboom Utilities
2 min readOct 11, 2019


Women safety in India. Is it an illusion ?

Women Safety in India is an issue which is being highlighted a lot these days. After an enormous outrage from the Nirbhaya case, it seems like growing up in India has become more challenging. Every single day women, young girls & mothers from all walks of life deal with the constant fear of being assaulted, molested, and violated.

The streets, public transport, public spaces in particular have become the territory of the hunters. While the ones already hunted down weep in disdain, the rest fight their way to a basic life with dignity.

  • Officials from NGOs working with women, state that almost every single day, a young girl is being trafficked into flesh trade. Most of the times, her parents sell her off.
  • Officials from Stop Acid Attacks say that there are reported cases of acid attacks on the streets two or three times a week.
  • Every 20 minutes a woman is raped in India.

Many people argue that the high crime rates do not mean that crimes have gone up, but only that crimes are being reported in more frequency. Even if that is the case, the crime rates themselves are nothing less than frightening. Looking at the last major survey by National Crime Records Bureau in 2016, one can understand what these numbers actually mean. These are the harsh truths about where India stands today. If you think the status of women is getting better, these abnormal stats show why we should really be concerned.


